- The stylish bouquet features large red and pink roses accented with smaller spray roses in shades of red and pinks. Delicate green oregonia and pittosporum add a fresh contrast.
- The flowers are delivered in our exclusive Mirrored Silver Cube vase.
- The stylish deluxe bouquet features a generous amount of large red and pink roses accented with smaller spray roses in shades of red and pinks. Delicate green oregonia and pittosporum add a fresh contrast.
- The flowers are delivered in our exclusive Mirrored Silver Cube vase.
- The stylish deluxe bouquet features a generous amount of large red and pink roses accented with smaller spray roses in shades of red and pinks. Delicate green oregonia and pittosporum add a fresh contrast.
- The flowers are delivered in our exclusive Mirrored Silver Cube vase.
- Orientation: All-Around
Another charming choice from Teleflora's exclusive Flowers in-a-Gift collection, this chic silver glass cube will add sparkle to all kinds of stylish bouquets.
Standard - $89.99
Deluxe - $99.99
Premium - $109.99